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WindsoR hotel

@Eva Vautier, Pauline Brun - photo Jacques Yves GUCCIA
@Eva Vautier, Pauline Brun - photo Jacques Yves GUCCIA

Camera Camera 2018

For the second year, Camera Camera comes back in Nice at the Windsor hotel, a fair where the art video is a common thread where gallerist make sure that the scenography combine video and art works.  


The public alternates between « dark rooms », where there is an immersive video installation that plunges the viewer into a a black box, and « the bright rooms », which transform a setting conductive to dialogues between video art and plastic art.


+ Specials projects 

© Pauline Bastard -  Galerie Eva Hober
© Pauline Bastard - Galerie Eva Hober

OVNi prizes 2018

3 Awards were presented in 2018

OVNi Prize for the best video

Camera Camera Prize for the best camera

Jury’s Favourite