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The 2021 Art fair

Camera Camera 2020

Due to COVID 19, the 'Camera Camera' salon is postponed until the end of 2021 and is replaced by the 'Rencontres OVNi' at the WindsoR hotel.

@Galerie Appart Rome, Bertille Bak
@Galerie Appart Rome, Bertille Bak

Camera Camera 2019

For its third edition, the art fair camera camera comes back on the 30th of November to the 1rst of December 2019 at the Windsor hotel, famous for its hotel rooms, garden and common spaces.

@Eva Vautier, Pauline Brun - photo Jacques Yves GUCCIA
@Eva Vautier, Pauline Brun - photo Jacques Yves GUCCIA

Camera Camera 2018

The public alternates between « dark rooms », where there is an immersive video installation that plunges the viewer into a a black box, and "the bright rooms", which transform a setting conductive to dialogues between video art and plastic art.

@Galerie Escougnou – Cetraro, Rebecca Digne, Climats
@Galerie Escougnou – Cetraro, Rebecca Digne, Climats

Camera Camera 2017

From the very beginning we wanted to use the « room » as a starting point for specific projects engineered by the gallery depending on the theme or the atmosphere of the room. 

@Galerie La Ferronnerie - photo Laurent Fievet
@Galerie La Ferronnerie - photo Laurent Fievet

OVNi prizes

Vue d'exposition © Jacques Yves Guccia
Vue d'exposition © Jacques Yves Guccia

Camera Camera slideshow

@Galerie Air de Paris, Brice Dellsperger
@Galerie Air de Paris, Brice Dellsperger

Windsor Hotel

OVNi was born in the Windsor Hotel so it's not a coincidence if nowadays the Camera Camera Art Fair takes place there.