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Very High Stuff

© Very High stuff - Atelier le Salon
© Very High stuff - Atelier le Salon

Le Salon studio


As part of the OVNi festival, the Very High Stuff collective will take over L’Atelier Le Salon with a video installation.

The latter will be deployed on several projection surfaces and will immerse the spectator in its paintings.

Bread, a symbolic object, will be the subject of diversion and will constitute the material of a reflection.


Matthieu C. Vergez’s music oscillates delicately between poetry, noise and experimental music. With the help of an electric guitar, circular saws or feedback, he creates an assembly of scenes, of sober, remanent sounds. The inclusive, intimate text is like a sensitive link. A suspension or a set of sharp movements with a recitative character and this tenuous, almost unspeakable thread; gentle violence. « (…) one only inhabits the place one leaves, one only creates the work from which one detaches oneself, one obtains duration only by destroying time. The duty (…) is, during the truce of the seasons and the siesta of the happy, to produce an Art with the help of the clouds, an Art that comes from pain and leads to pain.