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Appartement d'Antoine Ceunebroucke

My airline, 2022 © Antoine Ceunebroucke
My airline, 2022 © Antoine Ceunebroucke

Flat of Antoine Ceunebroucke


Laissez-vous porter par le Parours OVNi en ville et poussez la porte de l’appartement de l’artiste Antoine Ceunebroucke.

Artiste exposant de l’exposition Sud Emergence 2021, Antoine vous accueille les 19.11, 20.11, 26.11 et 27.11 de 13h à 19h au sein de son espace de vie pour vous faire découvrir son travail de vidéaste.


Adresse : 78 boulevard Louis Delfino 06300 Nice

My airline, 2022 © Antoine Ceunebroucke
My airline, 2022 © Antoine Ceunebroucke

Antoine Ceunebroucke

My airline

2022 - 1'39" - Color

My airline is the third in a series of videos produced in my apartment (Magic Flat 2018, A Step into my Wallpaper 2020). The idea is to produce a video in my place of living, with the means and the objects that are at hand. The stop motion technique coupled with Photoshop touch-ups make it possible to put things into motion. Washing machines become plane reactors. My bed : aerial scenery. The living room : the aisle of an air plane. The sheet : a parachute. I start with nothing to achieve everything, or rather a semblance of everything. The sound track is composed on my keyboard, in my room, with the help of a rhythm box and audio composition software. The video is created little by little over one year’s time at the rate of one day of work per week. 

A thought for my neighbours who, all during the production, have certainly seen me in my living room, moving about in the decor of an air plane cockpit or parachute jumping on the floor of my apartment.

