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Imaginary Instruments #6

© Fabiana Cruz, Imaginary Instruments #6, 2012
© Fabiana Cruz, Imaginary Instruments #6, 2012

Imaginary Instruments #6

Fabiana Cruz

Imaginary Instruments #6

Vidéo, 4 min, 2012

Fabiana Cruz‘s work is free to interpret and interacts with our sensibility to music, rhythm, colours… Her videos echo Claude Rutault’s performances entitled listening to painting/looking at music like the ones he made at the Meyerson Symphony Center, Dallas, USA. Fabiana Cruz composes the music for her videos or reinterprets existing songs from which she draws inspiration. She often puts herself on stage and plunges us into a poetic, colourful and playful universe, where the music gives rhythm to the painting, and vice versa, to tell us a story. Each instrument is decoded, revealed by a gesture, a colour, an element of everyday life or of the world of childhood: origami, gloves, tubes of colour, chalk, paper, fabric.


Presented for OVNi 2017 by Moving Art (Nice)