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© Salle de Fitness, Le Splendid
© Salle de Fitness, Le Splendid

Hôtel Le Splendid


50 Bd Victor Hugo, 06000 Nice

L’hôtel Splendid accueillera la vidéo de Juliette Guerin « Usine de prot » dans un lieu dédié au corps : la salle de fitness.


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@Juliette Guerin, Usine de prot, 2018
@Juliette Guerin, Usine de prot, 2018

Juliette Guerin

Usine de prot

Vidéo, 4’ 33 min, 2018

Usine de prot is a video filmed in a studio with three cameras to take up the device of TV sets with a decor and light inspired by surgical operating theatres. On the table, several utensils and jars of 100% whey Protein professional are at the protagonists’ disposal. Three characters are involved in the manufacture of a material in a mechanical way, on a chain. And as the material becomes bigger and bigger, it becomes more and more organic, abstract and uncontrollable. The artist creates oppositions between a very sanitized image and a disgusting material. To do this, she mixes universes linked to the food and medical industries and questions the body transformed by the consumption of artificial food used, in this case, for muscle building. In a society that has to meet ever more extreme standards and criteria of beauty, this generates a form of violence and rejection through the manipulation of matter that becomes symbolic.