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OVNi prizes 2019

3 Prizes were presented in 2019


OVNi Prize for the best video

Camera Camera Prize for the best camera

Jury’s Favourite

@Capucine Vevert -  Eric Mouchet
@Capucine Vevert - Eric Mouchet

2019 Jury

@ Capucine Vevert - Eric Mouchet
@ Capucine Vevert - Eric Mouchet

"Grand OVNi" Prize

Award for the best video
Supported by the CHE

La relève, Capucine Vever
Gallery Eric Mouchet

@ Jennifer Douzenel - Catherine Issert
@ Jennifer Douzenel - Catherine Issert

Camera Camera prize

Best room prize
Supported by Caisse d'épargne Côte d'Azur

Galerie Catherine Issert
Montevidéo, Jennifer Douzenel

@ André Fortino - Galerie Arti
@ André Fortino - Galerie Arti

Jury's favorite

Jury's Favourite Video
Supported by the hotel Villa Borghese Gréoux-les-bains

Le Don [The Gift], André Fortino
Art-i Gallery Marseille